Concierge & Medical Services

Detailed Physical Exam

At your Detailed Physical Exam, Dr. Swenson will develop a health, exercise and diet plan for you to follow.

comprehensive Appointment Times

Comprehensive Appointment Times to make sure all your health concerns are addressed.

Convenient Appointment times

Convenient Appointment Times that work for your busy schedule.

cell phone & email communication directly with dr. swenson

Direct Communication with Dr. Swenson.

Phone Consults when appropriate

Schedule Phone Consults when appropriate for your healthcare needs.

hospital, nursing home, and other providers

Enjoy peace of mind knowing that our medical office will work hard for you with your Hospital, Nursing Home, or with Other Providers.

Vitamin / supplement Analysis

Receive a Vitamin and Supplement Analysis with your concierge membership.

Nutritional / Diet counseling

Nutritional and Diet Counseling is included with your concierge membership.


Exercise Counseling includes a physical conditioning assessment, creation of an exercise plan, and optional training & exercise management.

electronic patient portal

Receive access to your online health records (including vitals, diagnoses, and labs) through our electronic patient portal.


Manage your prescriptions online through e-prescribe. 

Prescription and Order authorizations

Our office will work hard to help you fulfill Prescriptions and Order Authorizations.


Healthcare Management

Healthcare Management includes help tracking appointments, labs, and tests; collecting records from specialists, labs, imaging, and hospital visits. We will help to make sure everything is coordinated and nothing slips through the cracks.